Leetcode 2359. Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes - kotlin
class Solution {
val visited = BooleanArray(100001){false}
fun closestMeetingNode(edges: IntArray, node1: Int, node2: Int): Int {
val d1 = IntArray(100001){-1}
val d2 = IntArray(100001){-1}
visited[node1] = true
dfs(edges = edges, node = node1, acc = 0, storage = d1)
visited[node1] = false
visited[node2] = true
dfs(edges = edges, node = node2, acc = 0, storage = d2)
visited[node2] = false
var smallest = Int.MAX_VALUE
var ind = -1
for (i in 0 until edges.size){
if(d1[i] != -1 && d2[i] != -1 && smallest > Math.max(d1[i], d2[i])){
smallest = Math.max(d1[i] ,d2[i])
ind = i
return ind
fun dfs(edges: IntArray, node: Int, acc:Int, storage: IntArray) {
if(storage[node] < acc) {
storage[node] = acc
val next = edges[node]
if(next != -1 && !visited[next]) {
visited[next] = true
dfs(edges = edges, node = next, acc = acc + 1, storage = storage)
visited[next] = false
this solution starts by initialzing `d1` and `d2` of size 100_001. These arrays will store the distances from the two given nodes to all other nodes which includes both in the graph.
the method performs dfs algorithm starting from `node1`, and for each visited node, it stores the distnace as acc to that node in `d1`. 'node2' and 'd2' is same with.
After both dfs are completed, the method iterates through the `edges` array, and for each index i it checks if the distance of that node in both `d1` and `d2` is not -1. if is not -`, it cheks if the max of both distance is smaller than the previous smallest value. if it is it updates the smallest value and the index.
Finally, it returns the index of the node that has the smallest max distance from both `node1` and `node2`