class Solution {
fun snakesAndLadders(board: Array<IntArray>): Int {
val iq = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>(Pair(1, 0))
val lst = board.size * board.size
val visit = BooleanArray(400 + 1){false}
val accs = Array<IntArray>(401){IntArray(401){Int.MAX_VALUE}}
val (t, acc) = iq.first()
val range = getPossibleMovePoints(board = board, curr = t)
for(num in range){
var next = num
val (r, c) = getAxisFromPoint(curr = next, n = board.size)
if(num > lst) return -1
if(board[r][c] != -1) next = board[r][c]
if(next == lst) return acc + 1
if(!visit[next]) {
visit[next] = true
iq.add(Pair(next, acc + 1))
return -1
// generate the range of possible move point
fun getPossibleMovePoints(board: Array<IntArray>, curr: Int): IntRange {
return (curr + 1)..Math.min(curr + 6, board.size * board.size)
// get Axis from current point
// input currentPoint
// out: Pair of axis
fun getAxisFromPoint(curr: Int, n: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
val r = (n-1) - (curr-1) / n
val c = if(((n-1 - r) % 2) == 0) (curr-1) % n else (n-1) - ((curr - 1) % n)
return Pair(r, c)
BFS 이용
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