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[LeetCode] 13. Roman to Integer



Roman to Integer - LeetCode

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이거보다 좋은 코드를 잘 모르겠다 ㅋㅋ

object Solution {
    def romanToInt(s:String): Int = {
        if(s.isEmpty) 0
    else if (s.startsWith("CM")) 900 + romanToInt(s.substring(2))
    else if (s.startsWith("CD")) 400 + romanToInt(s.substring(2))
    else if (s.startsWith("XC")) 90 + romanToInt(s.substring(2))
    else if (s.startsWith("XL")) 40 + romanToInt(s.substring(2))
    else if (s.startsWith("IX")) 9 + romanToInt(s.substring(2))
    else if (s.startsWith("IV")) 4 + romanToInt(s.substring(2))
    else s(0) match {
      case 'I' => 1 + romanToInt(s.substring(1))
      case 'V' => 5 + romanToInt(s.substring(1))
      case 'X' => 10 + romanToInt(s.substring(1))
      case 'L' => 50 + romanToInt(s.substring(1))
      case 'C' => 100 + romanToInt(s.substring(1))
      case 'D' => 500 + romanToInt(s.substring(1))
      case 'M' => 1000 + romanToInt(s.substring(1))
        case _ => 0

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